su di noi

about us

la cerimonia

the ceremony


the party







wedding list


Here is a view of out Castle. For a bigger image, click on the picture. For an eye-bird view of the area follow this link and enter "kolibriweg 14" in the "Strasse" field and click "start". Then select "1:3000 Luftbild" on the top left corner and click "GO!".

The building in the red circle is Engelsburg!

about us...





We are not quite sure you want to hear the whole story of us. But for those few that do, here it is!
Everything begun in Kolibriweg 14, Koeln. There you can find an ugly building where all the MPIZ employees spend at least one month of their life, Engelsburg. Engelsburg, literally means Castle of Angels, has really little to do with castles or angels.
Or maybe it does, as living in such a place with cold water only and a chronically dirty shower to be shared with a bunch of other people, brings to mind an heroic saga.
In any case our story begun here, in a 32 square meter flat! We endured the "Pizza Hawaii", we got to know how beautiful Cologne is, we made many friends…
Then three years of long distance relationship did not spoil our story, although frequent flying can be an hassle. We believe Germanwings was created for (and supported by) us, mainly.
The last year we could finally join together in this wonderful town founded by Federico Barbarossa, Lodi! (Rosaria’s life time dream!)

And now, just enjoy our self centred picture collection, it’s our day, after all! If you have any comments, complaint or so, just write it in our guestbook!

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